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10 Gym Bag Essentials

10 Gym Bag Essentials

More often than not, working out is the highlight of my day. It’s fun, I get to sweat out my stress and after a good workout I feel so accomplished. But I’m not going to lie, somedays I’m just not in the mood.

A quote I live by when it comes to fitness is, “You won’t always be motivated, so you must learn to be disciplined.”

A key part to being disciplined is being prepared. Even if I’m having one of those days where I’m just not feeling inspired to workout, I always have my gym bag ready to go so that I can’t use a lack of preparation as an excuse. Having a gym bag prepared is a simple way to ensure that there’s one less excuse holding you back from smashing a workout.

Here are the 10 things I always keep in my gym bag, so there’s no excuses:

  • Hair bands

  • A resistance band

    • Resistance bands are my go to for a killer leg day and they’re also a fun way to mix up a workout, especially when you aren’t sure where to start.

  • Head phones

  • Makeup remover wipes

    • Makeup + sweat = not a good combo.

  • Deodorant

  • Dry Shampoo

    • Simply a must - especially if your workout is on the way to work or meeting up with a friend.

  • Collagen/Protein

  • (Clean) Protein bar

    • It’s always good to be prepared with a snack wherever you go. I love GoMacro.

  • Lock

  • Extra underwear and socks

    • You never know when you’re going to need these critical items.

A well stocked gym bag can make a break a workout and will keep you prepared for whenever you have time to fit in a workout - no excuses.

What else do you always have in your gym bag?


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